Today, Mario Fratto made the following statement:
We the people have lost control of our government. The establishment on both sides has formed a “Uniparty.” The Uniparty does not work on behalf of the people, but on behalf of their globalist donors and special interest PACs. Claudia Tenney is one of them.
In 2022, I ran against Claudia Tenney because she was a career politician who wasn’t from here and didn’t share our values. I opposed her votes to give over a billion taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood. I disagreed with sending over a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine while our own borders were assaulted by illegal migrants and fentanyl killing our citizens. And I was disgusted with her votes to support tax-payer funded sex change operations, and for a Red Flag law to take away our Second Amendment rights.
I had hoped that our close primary race would encourage her to make a course correction and vote the values of the most conservative district in the state. She has instead doubled down on the bad policies that filled the carpet bag she dragged into our district last year, moving over 100 miles from her childhood home to stay in office.
Despite record inflation caused by the government’s overspending, Claudia voted to suspend the debt ceiling and passed Biden’s budgets that continue trillion dollar deficits. She voted twice against amendments to limit the endless billions we’re sending to fund the war in Ukraine. And she broke her written promise to support term limits.
She’s learned nothing from our last race, but this is what I learned: when people hear our message and learn about Tenney’s betrayal of our values, we win. Because of that we ran the most successful campaign, dollar for dollar, against an incumbent in the United States, beating Tenney in my home county and two surrounding counties.
I am fighting for term limits, parental rights, traditional values, religious freedom, and against all mandates. Getting my message out to the entire district won’t be easy, but I’m determined to make sure Republicans from Lockport to Watertown and everywhere in between know that Claudia doesn’t represent our values but I will. God bless.
Mario Fratto’s family has lived in the district for five generations. He runs his family’s granite construction business. More information can be found at